DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2015.12.12.9
How to Cite
Solórzano Ariza, A. . (2015). The aesthetics of the multiple and the cultural production of everyday objects. Kepes, 12(12), 177–192.


Augusto Solórzano Ariza
Universidad Nacional


The pluralist spirit and the degree of transformation that design has regarding the configuration of ethical and aesthetic judgmens, as well as the generation of beliefs and opinions, llows ensuring that the rationale of design is the sense of community.hThis way, techniques, methods, services and goals planned in this field become important as solutions aimed to improve the conditions of a large number of peopl . In il, ethics and aesthetics operate at the same level. While eace object or image produced by design promotes values before anything else the way in which new senses come about of human essence is clear.

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