DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/kepes.2016.13.13.9
How to Cite
Arámbula Ponte, M. P. ., & Uribe Becerra, M. M. . (2016). Understanding the design process from the complexity. Kepes, 13(13), 171–195.


MDI. Paolo Arámbula Ponte
Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
MDI. Miguel Uribe Becerra
UNAM México


To contribute to the consolidation of industrial design as a transdisciplinary discipline a reflection on its foundations takes place, and a series of tools for analysis and method involving concepts of the theory of complexity in their processes are proposed. Design thinking registered in social systems (complex by definition) resolution must have a very specific and particular way of approach that, addressing multiple aspects from different disciplines, fields of knowledge and human experience must interpret and translate into requirements for design solutions. This implies a change in the paradigm, this is to say thinking about the design process in an open and complex manner rather than in a linear and reticulate manner, relating conceptual outlines of dichotomies such as theory-practice, reason-emotion among others. This allows design to contemplate multiple variables and relationships in it attending the contingency in a systemic way and reducing fear of uncertainty and implicit chaos in its processes. This article presents a reflection on design methods related to research and the creation of the discipline as a contribution to the definition of specific aspects. The reflection addresses initially theories such as “design thinking” and the origins of its research outlines. These outlines derive from the hard sciences and the atomization of knowledge, the impossibility of its direct application to design as part of the social sciences, the complexity as an essential element in the design process and the growing lack of definition while incorporating multiple contradictory variables given its multidisciplinary character.

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