DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/kepes.2016.13.13.8
How to Cite
Moreno Sánchez, P. I. ., & Navarro Newball, P. A. A. . (2016). Mobile hypermedia as new media and its role in transmedia creation. Kepes, 13(13), 145–170.


PhD. Isidro Moreno Sánchez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
PhD. Andrés Adolfo Navarro Newball
Universidad Javeriana de Cali


Mobile First is not just a concept resulting from marketing since even UNESCO invites to explore the educational possibilities of the mobile phone inside and outside the classroom. Mobile Internet, internet of things, geolocation and mobile sensors configure a new convergence of media characterized by the mobility of people and machines. This mobility, besides making possible interactivities (relations with technological intermediation) characteristic of static systems, generates analogue relationships because of interactions (physical and personal relationships) with the user, with others and within the space-time binomial. This mobility is also the protagonist in the processes of transmedia design and creation. Designers, creators and content and software developers have to think first of this device (Mobile First) and have to consider if its creations fit other screens (“Responsive Web Design). The hypothesis is that mobile hypermedia is emerging as a new media that is usually the main protagonist in transmedia creation. This raises a taxonomic, narrative, creative and ludic-educative-communicative approach that tries to demonstrate it. Hypermedia mobile communication possibilities are analyzed and their roles in transmedia communication. Prospective is used to point out the shortcomings of the moment and to make a note of future possibilities that are born from unmet needs. Marketing is responsible for enhancing the technological glare. A rigorous look from the academy focused on design, contents and accessibility is required so that it helps to go from a dazzling technology to a technology that enlightens knowledge.

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