DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2016.13.13.4
How to Cite
Ospina Toro, M. W. . (2016). The method in design as an expression of knowledge production. Kepes, 13(13), 51–71.


Mg. William Ospina Toro
Universidad de Caldas


The role of the method in the production of knowledge in the field of design is analyzed. This analysis is done by comparing, in different authors, the various concepts of project activity and the implications in its practice. The method plays a role in clarifying the project phenomenon. A more specific view is obtained, this is to say, the method proceeds from a rational guidance to be considered an interpretive guide within the design process. The hermeneutical perspective is incorporated as the most appropriate to articulate the kind of rationality applied to the design and contextualization of its results.

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