The article examines the potential of phototherapy as a tool that questions dominant discourses about mastectomized women. In doing so, we analyze the visual proposal of The SCAR Project, which resignifies the body image of mastectomized women to promote a collective dialogue about breast cancer as a public issue rather than an individual and isolated experience. A qualitative analysis of 14 photographs was carried out which allowed the construction of four categories based on an analysis of visual narratives: The breasts as the center of feminine subjectivity and political weapon; from invincible heroines to vulnerable subjects; a body in communion with other bodies; and a body with multiple identities. The analysis of the results allowed identifying three potential benefits of phototherapy: First, art as a form to communicate subjectivities; second, the potential of phototherapy as a means to make mastectomy a political issue; and third, the emergence of new representations that recreate the identities of the mastectomized women.
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