DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2017.14.16.3
How to Cite
Parra Castro, J. F. . (2017). Manuel Ancízar and the edition of The Pilgrimage of Alpha. New assumptions for the initial registration of the culture of design in Colombia. Kepes, 14(16), 33–58.


Juan Fernando Parra Castro
Universidad Antonio Nariño
Perfil Google Scholar


In the quest for new alternatives for the historical reconstruction of design in Colombia, the nineteenth century has been little explored in spite of its important contributions to the construction of Colombian nationality. The article develops a chapter of the evolution of the Colombian editorial culture, little explored by the historiography of design, from the outline of the material imaginary with which Manuel Ancízar (1811-1882) promoted a rupture in the Colombian cultural panorama in his book The Pilgrimage of Alpha (1853). The method used for the theoretical development of the imaginary and its historical implications was conceived in the framework of a major research, and alternates considerations about the problem of material culture, bibliographical studies and the theory of design to confirm in a first section the closeness of Ancízar with the automation of the artistic processes in which the local printing was initially supported. The Pilgrimage of Alpha was the second book of this thinker published in New Granada and one of the first nationally renowned books published by the Echeverría Hermanos Press, which is the object of development of the second section in this article and was, established after 1851 by the Venezuelan artists convened by Ancízar to operate the printing presses that the government of Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera (1849-1853) intended to establish. Next, a brief typographic analysis of the book, as an editorial work, corresponds to a series of considerations raised in the first two sections of the essay, among them the introduction of modern habits of editing, the printing and management of publishing companies, the construction of a literate public at national level and in the middle of all this process, and the formalization of institutional bases for the gestation of practices related to design in the mid-nineteenth century.

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