DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2018.15.17.3
How to Cite
Herazo Avendaño, C. ., Valencia Arias, A. ., & Benjumea Arias, M. . (2018). Research perspectives in the study Of cultural and creative industries. Kepes, 15(17), 27–67.


Carolina Herazo Avendaño
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Perfil Google Scholar
Alejandro Valencia Arias
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín
Perfil Google Scholar
Martha Benjumea Arias
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín
Perfil Google Scholar


This article reports on the review and analysis of the research approaches applied in the scientific literature about creative and cultural industries (CCI) over time, to provide a clear overview based on the background of the topic and the various edges that have been emerging in the development of this research topic. The most significant results are a series of limitations on the subject since its origins, where cultural industries are associated with particular social groups, generating in some way a segmentation in the services and products access related to this type of industries. However, the changes in which societies are immersed, lead to reconfigure the initial patterns that the CCI acquired, fostering a revolution that would impact the social, economic and political dimensions of the communities. In this way, the review and analysis that was carried out, allows to conclude that the cultural and creative industries have taken a leading role capable of permeating dimensions of the social, economic and patrimonial development of current communities, reason why a key call to continue deepening in research associated to this topic is expressed to nurture the field of knowledge and even to discover new aspects of the subject.

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