DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2018.15.18.5
How to Cite
Torrent Esclapés, R. . (2018). Art and industrial design. Hybridizations and conflicts. Kepes, 15(18), 111–135.


Rosalía Torrent Esclapés
Universidad Jaume I de Castellón
Perfil Google Scholar


Based on the idea of the frontier character of art and industrial design, this article focuses on the hybridizations that historically have occurred between artistic and industrial objects. After a conceptual delimitation, the ready-made concept is proposed as the origin of the reflection between the boundaries of art and design, to later verify how certain historical avantgardes have been interested in the latter concept. These avant-gardes (especially Dadaism, Futurism, Surrealism and Constructivism) experienced, in one way or another, an approach to industrial design, either making art with more or less functional elements, or going directly into the design of furniture and products. Relating the behavior of avantgardes with contemporary industrial design, connections are made between the objects of the first decades of the twentieth century and others of our contemporaneity. The conclusions obtained verify the incursions in both directions (art-design, design-art), as well as the hybrid character of contemporary creation.

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