DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.19.14
How to Cite
Cortés Gómez, D. . (2019). Proposal for the elaboration of a cubic technical drawing template format for 360-degree videos staging and framing. Kepes, 16(19), 346–388.


Daniel Cortés Gómez
Politécnico Colombiano
Perfil Google Scholar


2D videos and their traditional audiovisual narrative are being modified with the introduction of spherical videos which allow modifying the point of view of the viewer and the way in which he interacts with this media. Under a research process in forums and websites on the internet, there is a shortage of theoretical and bibliographic resources regarding methodologies of creation and production of 360- degree videos, in addition to missing the basic models and structures of pre-production such as the staging and framing templates. The need to develop content in a professional environment is posed with a narrative shooting plans and structures with a narrative according to an audiovisual production.

This article presents a technical template proposal for 360-degree pre-production drawing of people in action, aimed at graphic script specialists and directors in order to unify concepts and structures that serve as the basis to develop 360-degree videos focused on the image of staging, in image and framing.

For the approach of the template a qualitative methodology model of experiences and an inductive framework of analytical research and observation work was used. The conclusions of this article open the possibilities for the realization of a drawing template that provides a correct visual disposition of objects, characters or events present in a 360-degree visual or cinematographic production.

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