DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.19.13
How to Cite
Rodríguez R., C. M. ., & Martínez Martínez, H. F. . (2019). Virtual dimensions of the city: Urban appropriation mediated by the use of the Pokémon GO digital application. Kepes, 16(19), 316–345.


Carlos Mario Rodríguez R.
Universidad de Boyacá
Perfil Google Scholar
Héctor Fernando Martínez Martínez
Universidad de Boyacá
Perfil Google Scholar


This paper is derived from the Macro Project of the Xisqua Research Group: Notions of Territory: City, Maps and imaginart. The study presented reflects on the virtual dimensions of the city as an opportunity for analysis of urban relations that are developing in the use of mobile applications and the understanding of the appropriation of the territory.

In this case the users of the Pokémon Go application were taken as the object of study, in which the opportunity to analyze the spatial relationships between reality and virtuality in the urban context is detected.

The development of the project is proposed as a pilot approach in which an exercise of inquiry was carried out using techniques such as participant observation and instruments such as application of surveys to the users of the game. This approach to the subject suposses the possibility of establishing a new perspective for the approach to the territory and to the notions that are developing between the interaction to the citizen and the urban environment, in this case from virtual scenarios.

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