DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.18.12
How to Cite
Montoya Cataño, V. ., & Torres Estrada, I. C. . (2019). Symbolic value of the objects to dress the living-dining room at home and its contribution to the appropriation of the spaces. Kepes, 16(19), 294–315.


Viviana Montoya Cataño
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
Isabel Cristina Torres Estrada
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


The appropriation of space is a process that allows readings of changes in relationships within the family, between individuals, objects and space itself. In this sense it is possible to find different representations and practices to dress the spaces of the home and especially the living-dining room, allowing scenarios of symbolization, projection and interaction in the intimate or family environment. In this research, the symbolic value of the objects to dress the living-dining room in homes of 3 and 4 socioeconomic level families in Sabaneta, Antioquia, were qualitatively studied from interviews and observation to understand their contribution to the appropriation of spaces. The research shows that the consumption of modern spaces and especially the living-dining room has been resignified by appealing to a relationship of pleasure, individual, family and social enjoyment, where the collective norms have not prevented the development of new practices of dressing this space, which allows the projection of identity and also materializes comfort by means of multifunctional objects adaptable to the living-dining room. In this dynamic of appropriation, through the use and disposition of objects, individuals establish relationships with them and charge them with meaning, experiences and symbols in search of collective or individual enjoyment, of the aesthetic and sensory, and of the sensory well-being.

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