DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.19.7
How to Cite
Ospina Toro, W. . (2019). Introduction of the DVUC-001 model for making graphic products in visual design. Kepes, 16(19), 150–182.


William Ospina Toro
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


The result of the research “Formulation of a Method for Design Based on Symbolization”, that is registered with code 0748315 in the Research and Graduate Studies Vice-rectory of Universidad de Caldas, is presented. The results obtained offer relevant information on the use of the method model DVUC001 developed by the Aesthetic and Social Research in Visual Design Group, which focuses on the production of graphic pieces within a framework of academic use. The article presents the development of the research and some of the most relevant results that are related to the application of the model.

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