DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.22.17
How to Cite
Viveros Celín, C. E. . (2020). Photography, autobiography and autoethnography in Myths: The Square of Time. Kepes, 17(22), 465–500.


Carmen Elena Viveros Celín
Universidad del Norte Barranquilla
Perfil Google Scholar


This article aims to present a methodological exercise using photography, autobiography and autoethnography as useful tools in the framework of overcoming traumatic life processes. Sontag and Barthes, among other authors, whose contributions throughout the history and evolution of photographic art have been fundamental, offer a hermeneutical-interpretative framework: the studium/punctum concepts proposed by Barthes and the approach to the experience of the photographic fact of Sontag are assumed by the author during the process. The results presented are a series of auto-ethnographic narratives that were used as input in the process of creating the work Myths: The Square of Time.

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