DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.22.6
How to Cite
Maya Rivero, A. (2020). Design for older people: A person-centered approach. Kepes, 17(22), 140–160.


Annika Maya Rivero
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Perfil Google Scholar


This article is derived from the doctoral research “Design of a model for the identity reflection of the elderly person with dementia through material culture”. The objective of demonstrating the importance of design for older people with a person-centered approach was specified using a qualitative, ethnographic methodology, with which it was made visible that dementia accentuates people's socio-emotional needs. Information was found that reinforces the idea of the importance of objects in the daily life of older people as elements that trigger memories and are witnesses of life, since there are objects that act as promoters of a reflection of identity as mirrors that remain present before the person to, in some way, remind them of who they are. It is concluded that this type of objects confirm that it is necessary that design for the elderly go beyond function and accessibility, being necessary to broaden the academic and professional vision of design for the elderly in the Latin American context, and the inclusion of social, cultural and emotional aspects is irrefutable.

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