DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.22.4
How to Cite
Ramírez Escobar, M. F. (2020). Visualization Practices in Academic Research in Graphic Design. Kepes, 17(22), 76–108.


María Fernanda Ramírez Escobar
Universidad del Valle
Perfil Google Scholar


This research explores academic practices about visualization, with the objective of defining the importance of the realization of diagrams for academic research in design. The case study focused on students in the last semesters of the Bachelor of Arts jn Graphic Design at Universidad del Valle who were carrying out their undergraduate research project to qualify for the university degree. Methods: in this qualitative research, participatory observation of the subject areas dealing with research projects was carried out, in addition to semi-structured interviews with department professors and students about to finish their undergraduate studies. In the final part of the interview students were asked to explain their projects while drawing on a paper. An analysis of the relationship between the graphics and the oral defense of projects was carried out. Scrutiny within the conversation, to identify the categories of visualization, academic writing and design research, was carried out in the analysis of the transcribed interviews. Results: The information collected shows that visualization is a fundamental communicative practice in the development of undergraduate research projects, not only to discuss with pairs and advisors, but also as a way to raise awareness of cognitive processes that are part of the research process. Conclusion: The effective incorporation of visual methods in training research classes could help students use more effectively cognitive resources acquired in their training years at the university and even to reduce the perceived gap between the professional practice of design and the theoretical reflection about the practice. Future studies could focus on the application of these didactic resources in research activities to check if it is possible to define a methodological toolbox related to the particular interests of design.

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