DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.16
How to Cite
Mahecha Lagos, N., & Boada Ortiz, A. (2020). Methodological model of product-service system design (M.M.SPS) in the colombian business context : a research from design. Kepes, 17(21), 459–492.


Nancy Mahecha Lagos

Doctor en Diseño y Creación Docente Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Universidad Externado de Colombia
Alejandro Boada Ortiz

Doctor en Administración de Empresas Director del Centro de Tecnología y Producción CTP Universidad Externado de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.

Universidad Externado de Colombia


The notion of sustainability arises when facing the consequences of the environmental impacts caused by accelerated industrialization. Its challenge is to change the objective of the liberal economy: profit for a balance between social, environmental and economic variables. Among the solutions explored, the Design discipline developed the concept of Product Service Systems (PSS), a non-traditional business model that seeks to provide environmental value through eco-design, economic value with innovative network configurations and social value designing for the user. This esearch recognizes in SPS a powerful option to move towards sustainability and generate competitiveness, which is why it has been implemented in several European countries. However, according to the United Nations, its implementation is low in Latin American countries due to the lack of design methodologies, the lack of entrepreneurial skills, experience in service management and a legal support framework (UNEP 2002). This research seeks to generate a contribution from Design to overcome these implementation barriers, developing a methodology that enables the creation of product service systems in the Colombian Context. The methodological approach used is qualitative, and the multiple case study method was selected. The main result of the research is the Methodological Model of Approach to the Product-Service System (M.M.SPS) while among the conclusions, a gap in knowledge and capabilities of design, environmental management and management to develop SPS solutions in emerging countries is identified, as well as a high potential for design contribution through new designer roles, communication, visualization and interaction tools and the need to optimize the ability to configure business networks that enable PSS.

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