DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.13
How to Cite
Martínez Vérez, M. V., & Montero Seoane, A. (2020). Inhabited identity : performative action and word values for the construction of otherness in educational contexts. Kepes, 17(21), 361–394.


María Victoria Martínez Vérez

Doctorado en Sociología UNED-A Coruña

UNED-A Coruña
Antonio Montero Seoane

Doctorado en Educación Física / Doctorado en Sociología Universidad de La Coruña.

Universidad de La Coruña


The purpose of the study is, in the first place, to describe and analyze the didactic contributions of performative action to the relational processes of teaching and learning of teachers and students in the contexts of professional training and graduate studies in early childhood education. In the second place, the study makes a comparison between the similarities and differences of the answers of both groups in relation to their perception and assessment of the experience shared. The artistic proposals of the work by the Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota, based on the encounter and the construction of identity through symbolic spaces and objects serve as a context for designing community action. The research methodology used in the study is of a mixed nature with a qualitative focus through quantitative analysis and also of exploratory holistic character. Research instruments, consisting of students and teachers discussion groups were developed in order to obtain information on the relational processes that take place in performative action and analyze their applicability in the educational field. Subsequently, through group interiews and through words all participants where requested to share the most significant experiences verbally in group. The different assessment scales offer as a result a noticeable improvement of the teaching-learning environment and coexistence in both groups, a favoring of interpersonal communication processes based on otherness and a pedagogical enhancement of the symbolic mediation of spaces, objects, body and words to represent the encounter in the relationship life.

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