DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.10
How to Cite
Hernández Vásquez, L. G., Sarmiento Ocampo, J. A., & Valencia Granda, J. F. (2020). Architectures for the Laureles neighborhood in Medellín : transformation by controlled replacement of parts. Kepes, 17(21), 255–287.


Luis Guillermo Hernández Vásquez

Doctor en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Profesor asociado Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín Medellín, Colombia.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Jaime Alberto Sarmiento Ocampo

Doctor en Arquitectura Profesor Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín Medellín, Colombia.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Juan Fernando Valencia Granda

Maestría en Arquitectura / Estudiante de Doctorado en Artes y Arquitectura. Profesor Universidad Santo Tomás Medellín, Colombia.

Universidad Santo Tomás


The Laureles neighborhood in Medellín, designed towards the thirties of the last century, is an urban-scale architecture that preserves the memory of the knowledge of the profession used in its execution. Even with the change of many original buildings, their characteristic features remain due to the clarity of the principles that governed the construction of the urban space, understandable through analytical approaches to apprehend and use them in new interventions. That is the reason for the selection of several locations in the neighborhood, in different places in the blocks like in middle sections and on the corners, for a controlled substitution of current buildings with architectural structures for collective activities, as part of a design course at the School of Architecture of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín Campus. This work is part of several approaches aimed at consolidating a research model, one among many possible models, focused on some implicit conceptual instruments when designing architecture which are frequently practiced in an unconscious way without clear verbalization so that the aim is to raise them to consciousness in the thinking of the apprentices of the profession through experiments designed to specify examples of these notions and verify their usefulness. To expose the general meaning of the principles addressed, some projects are redrawn and arranged in graphic tables that allow their simultaneous view. While the relationships are presented successively, notions become intelligible and the constructed knowledge is transmissible in written texts. The main objective of this work was to experiment on the transformation of an urban architecture by controlled substitution of some pieces starting from the analysis of its principles, modifying some relationships and conserving others. Methodologically, different strategies were implemented to organize the architectural and urban spaces relating them in the building study of the volume of shapes where architecture acquires constructive authenticity.

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