DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.7
How to Cite
Hernández, J. (2020). The transversality of color and its communication role in visual images, from literature to the current image of the classic story Snow White. Kepes, 17(21), 171–194.


Jeice Hernández

Candidata al Doctorado en Arte: Producción e Investigación de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia,
Valencia, España Correo electrónico: /

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


This article focuses on the analysis of transversality as a characteristic element in the use of color as a plastic-sign in visual images allowing a more complete narrative in the different versions and uses of color in the same topic. To achieve this objective, the classic story Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is used as a reference showing the different uses of color in the story and their transversality. This analysis is part of the research project “Color as a narrative means in the illustration of classic stories: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Alice in Wonderland” where color is worked as a plastic sign and therefore with narrative value within the visual images which aims to identify the characteristics and color features that allow a visual narrative. In order to go deeper into the subject, one of the points worked focuses on the transversality of color from the text to the image, where it is intended to establish if there is a relationship between the use of color in the writings of the classic stories and the use of color as a plastic sign in the images resulting from them. This analysis was carried out through dialogue with authors of the medium and bibliographic analysis which resulted in an approach to the concept of transversality of color as one of the characteristics that determines the narrative character of color in visual images. This could be the basis for deepening the analysis and use of color as a plastic sign and, therefore, a narrative entity in the visual arts.

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