DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.4
How to Cite
Castellanos Escobar, A. (2020). State-editor in times of literacy : a graphic analysis of the publications of the editorial department of Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia 1930-1960. Kepes, 17(21), 85–111.


Alexis Castellanos Escobar

Doctorando en Estudios Sociales de América Latina Profesor de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia.

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


This text is the result of the graphic analysis of the collection of clichés of Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia and of the publications in which they circulated during 1930 and 1960. Therefore, the main objective of this work consisted in researching the main characteristics of design used in these printouts, focusing on the graphical component of the productions of the Publishing Department of the Library, reviewing their formal approaches, their communicative intentions, and researching the chromatic, typographical, compositional and spatial aspects. In the first place, a sociohistorical context in which these publications were produced is presented and the relationships between visuality, textuality and materiality are discussed. Methodologically the selection criteria, matrices and tools used for the review and the treatment of the sources are described. Finally, the importance of the Colombian State-publisher in the processes of the urban and rural population literacy in the country are evident as results, being the printing press of Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia a key space in the promotion of editorial projects under the period of the “Liberal Hegemony” that were intended to generate new readers and littered populations. Furthermore, these editorial publications were a part of a shared epochal visual system that had marked European and American stylistic influence, and that contributed to the Colombian printing culture in the 20th century.

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