DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2020.17.21.3
How to Cite
Betts Alvear, M. M. (2020). Design and social sustainability in relation to the applicability of the notion of object. Kepes, 17(21), 61–84.


Mark Michael Betts Alvear

Doctorando en Diseño Magíster en Diseño Comunicacional Fundación Universidad del Norte
Correo electrónico: ;

Fundación Universidad del Norte


The purpose of this article is to look into, analyze and relate, under a critical study, the applicability of the notion of object from Design theorists who thought about social sustainability. When Christopher Alexander uses the concept object from architecture as a natural or artificial system provided with many functions, Abraham Moles uses it from science and sociology of design as an intention or purpose and Gui Bonsiepe uses it from industrial and graphic design as an interface rationalized for the user. They open its meaning to diverse interpretations that would be worth a particular analysis. In this sense, research on the use of the notion of object under the interpretation of these authors, will allow exploring and analyzing its liminal, distinctive and complementary axes. Therefore, a theoretical corpus is proposed to review the formulations that have already been developed around the concept of object and to reflect from new questionings, on what is still veiled and what remains to be said.

Alexander, C. (2010). Ensayo sobre la síntesis de la forma. Buenos Aires: Infinito.

Bonsiepe, G. (1999). Del objeto a la Interfase. Mutaciones del Diseño. Barcelona: G.G.

Bonsiepe, G. (1985). El diseño de la periferia. Barcelona: G.G.

Marx, K. (1980). Contribución a la crítica de la Economía Política. México: Siglo XXI.

Marx, K. (2008). El Capital. Crítica de la Economía Política. El Proceso de Producción del Capital I. México: Siglo XXI.

Moles, A. (1990). El Kitsch. El arte de la felicidad. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Moles, A. (1981). Théorie des Objets. Sao Paulo: Biblioteca Tempo Universitario.

Papanek, V. (1984). Design for the Real World. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers.


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