DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.20.16
How to Cite
Pomboza Floril, M. del R. ., & Radicelli García, C. D. . (2019). Bibliographic contribution on the design trends applied to packaging : syntactic and semantic. Kepes, 16(20), 427–445.


Margarita del Rocío Pomboza Floril

Doctora en Diseño, Fabricación y Gestión de Proyectos Industriales, PhD Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador.

Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Ciro Diego Radicelli García

Doctor en Telecomunicaciones, PhD Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo Riobamba, Ecuador.

Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo


There is a latent problem within the design aspect of packaging, because up to the present date there is no bibliographic information on design trends in the specific area of the packaging, what has generated that designed futures that are being formed in classrooms are unaware or do not apply a certain trend according to a specific user profile. In virtue of this problem, with the present research we intend to leave a bibliographic contribution on design trends applied to packaging, through a qualitative analysis, performing a syntactic and semantic analysis of a sample of packaging proposed by designers worldwide, as well as the descriptive analysis of the graphic, typographical, chromatic, material and style forms of the same, which allowed to define fundamental characteristics of the graphic proposals, which led to define trends with their respective features, thus generating a graphic line. Under this antecedent later it was associated to a profile of determined user, this last one was determined using the ethnographic technique, which allowed by means of the observation to establish the characteristics and tastes of the future user, what will allow to guarantee the suitability of design, the visual pregnance of the same one and the effective purchase of the product.

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