DOI: 10.17151/kepes.2019.16.20.13
How to Cite
Narváez Alarcón, C. A. ., & Garnica Gaitán, G. A. (2019). Graphic interfaces and graphic components design guidelines for augmentative and alternative communication systems. Kepes, 16(20), 345–375.


Cristian Andrés Narváez Alarcón

Maestría en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá, Colombia

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Germán Andrés Garnica Gaitán

Maestría en Diseño Industrial Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá, Colombia

Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


People with language production disabilities must challenge different situations in which they depend on others to share their feelings and necessities. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems had emerged as an alternative to give the possibility of sharing information using graphic content selection. Some problems this kind of systems have are the low user interfaces usability levels, the nonuse of context and the lack of language-related pictograms. In this paper, a set of factors to be taken into account at the AAC systems interface design process are presented. This work also shows the evaluation of graphic content designed specifically for the context of users with aphasia, an impairment characterized by the loss of capabilities to understand and produce writing or speech. Test results showed that besides the modification of position, size, and color factors it’s necessary to include relevant images according to the user’s context facilitating the production of the message. The proposal results can be used by AAC systems developers as a guide to the development of interfaces that enhance the sentences creation process.

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