Kepes Journal, Visual Design Study Group (ISSN 1794-7111) is published by the Department of Visual Design at Universidad de Caldas. This editorial project originated in the reflective and research results provided by the department professors who, gathered in the “Visual Design studies Group ", gave shape to the publication. The name KEPES arises from  the intention to recognize the contributions of one of the most outstanding characters in the field of design research, image and perception, namely the Hungarian Gyorgy Kepes (1906-2001).


The manifest concern to confront the concepts of design, image, communication and creation with the achievements in this context has led to consider the need to generate stable academic communities to allow the exchange of ideas in order to address responsibly the challenges of this discipline. In this sense KEPES Journal is proposed on a scenario framed in the lineaments of scientific nature, research dissemination and reflections underway in various national and international academic institutions.


Since its first edition in 2004, KEPES Journal has fostered the transmission of the results obtained by the Department of Visual Design in the areas of teaching, research and university projection. Among the proposed objectives, since its publication started, are:


  • To disseminate research results related to the history, theory and contemporary visions of design, image creation and communication. Present a critical overview of the dynamics of design both nationally and internationally.


  • To publish original and unpublished reflection, research and review articles which have undergone the double-blind peer evaluation process which guarantees the quality of the applications. To provide the design academic community with a publication committed with the scientific nature standards required by research.


KEPES Journal’s holds as fundamental  to share and disseminate knowledge generated around the discipline of design and related areas, reason why,  parallel to the distribution of the printed version,  provides access to its content through the Web site:


Contact: Calle 65 No. 26-10. Visual Design Department. Orlando Sierra building. Fourth floor. University of Caldas. Manizales Colombia Phone 57 (6) 8781544 E-mail:

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