Instructions for Authors

Editorial policy


The Kepes Journal is an open access publication without APC (Article Processing Charge), issued with biannual periodicity. The Journal is scientific in nature, circulates biannually nationally and internationally, and it is attached to and financed by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and the Research and Graduate Studies Vice-Rector's Office at Universidad de Caldas. Original and unpublished articles on topics related to design, image, communication and related areas are received in the following typologies: scientific and technological research articles, articles resulting from research-creation, reflection articles and review articles which correspond to categories nationally and internationally accepted as research products. Kepes Journal is published in printed and digital format (PDF) and accepts articles in Spanish, English or Portuguese.


Typologies of articles


Scientific and technological research article: document that presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. These articles should include: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and Bibliographic References.


Article resulting from research-creation: it is understood as the report of research that considers the generation of a creative product whether or not it is associated with the arts. The problems from which the researcher started to address his creation are presented and it is revealed as an original contribution in which, through introduction, methodology, discussions, conclusions and references, the author shows how he came up to the creation product.


Reflection article: document that presents the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic, using original sources. These articles should include: Introduction, Reflection, Conclusions and Bibliographic References.


Review article: document resulting from a completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references. These articles must include: Introduction, Method (location, selection, analysis and validation of consulted sources), Development of the topic, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic references.


Selection of Articles for Publication


The articles submitted are subject to internal and external review processes which may take a moderate time. Such processes are synthesized in the following steps:


  1. Each of the manuscripts and documents received goes through a verification process of compliance with the guidelines for authors contained in the website and discriminated in the checklist for authors. If the manuscript and documentation do not meet all the required criteria, it will be rejected.


  1. If the article application is accepted, an analysis of coincidences and originality will be carried out using anti-plagiarism software. The result will be evaluated by the editorial committee together with the article, taking into consideration the scientific quality, the concordance with the themes of the journal, and the current validity of the study. The result will be reported to the authors. In addition, the Editorial Committee can request modifications and make the recommendations that are deemed necessary to adjust the document to the indications of the journal.


  1. Once the previous process has been completed, the article will be subjected to a double-blind evaluation by two external academic peers and its result will be made known to the authors either as a rejected application, an accepted application with suggestions or an accepted application without suggestions. In cases of approval with suggestions, the author must expressly show his willingness to continue with the process, which implies that he must adjust to the specific time for publication.


  1. In the cases in which contrary results are presented during the evaluation process of the same article, it will be sent to a third evaluator or to one of the members of the Editorial Committee so that these evaluative considerations help determine whether the article is or is not published.


  1. The result of this evaluation will be informed to the author of the article via email, in order for him to make the necessary adjustments requested by the evaluators.


  1. Upon receipt of the article with the corrections made, compliance with the suggestions of the evaluators will be verified and the justifications for those that have not been taken into account will be analyzed. Once this phase is approved, the article will be sent to the style correction and layout process to finally be published.


Suggested structure for articles:


  • Title: It must not contain abbreviations, and it must be sent in at least two languages.


  • Author (s): It is recommended that the number of authors be a maximum of four. When this number is exceeded, a letter must be attached that justifies the reasons for the number of authors that are presented. All authors must add next to their name their highest level of education, institutional affiliation, as well as the city and country of residence, email (preferably institutional), ORCID and Google Scholar profile. For Colombian or foreign authors with ties to a Colombian institution, it is essential that they have their CvLAC1


  • Abstract: (In two languages). Maximum 300 words, it must be analytical. The abstract will make explicit the main objectives of the research, the scope, the methodology used, the main results and conclusions. In general terms, clarity, coherence, synthesis, and veracity of the data are recommended and should not include citations.


  • Keywords: (In two languages). Up to 5 words ordered alphabetically. Preferably it is recommended to use words taken from the Thesaurus.


  • Introduction: indicates the justification and objectives of the research, includes a summary of the theoretical reference and does not include results or conclusions.


  • Method: it must clearly and accurately expose aspects such as the research problem, the approach addressed, fields of study and the instruments used to consolidate the findings.


  • Results, Findings or Discussions: according to the nature of the postulated article, the author can apply any of these three options. In them, the author must inform the relevant aspects to which the referred research arrived or expose the theoretical perspectives involved in the issue, in the case of an article that is oriented to the discussion of a case or a topic.


  • Conclusions: in this section the contributions to knowledge reported through the article are collected. The scope obtained through the study must be explicitly mentioned. In the case of a reflection article, this section closes the topics that were discussed in the body of the article. Formally, it is requested that literal bibliographic references are not introduced.


  • Bibliographic references: only those that are cited literally or paraphrased within the text are included. It is recommended to use bibliographic managers so that the references comply with the editorial standards (APA).


General guidelines


  • The article must be in Word format,1.5 line spacing, Arial or Times New Roman type, font size 12. Articles should have a minimum length of 4000 and a maximum of 8000 words including bibliographic references. For the article writing it is recommended to follow the publication standards indicated by the American Psychological Association (APA current version).


  • The images, photographs and tables must be referenced within the text and must be included within the article to facilitate the review and layout process. All graphics or images must be attached in an external folder, which is delivered together with the article. The images must be in JPG or PNG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI, duly numbered and with caption.


  • All visual resources must be numbered consecutively, have a title and caption in accordance with the APA Standards, clearly indicating the intellectual property and the origin of the image. The authors are solely responsible for acquiring the authorizations or rights of reproduction of the material taken from other sources as well as of the contributions generated by persons not presented as authors.



The article should be sent through this Web site, after complete registration process (author role); attached to this delivery, the following completed forms must be sent:


  • Checklist for authors
  • Resume format for each of the authors
  • Letter of assignment of rights signed by all authors
  • Attach folder with images.


This aspect is part of the guidelines of the National Publindex index, belonging to the National Science and Technology System.

Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |