DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2023.25.2.11
How to Cite
Contreras-Diaza, A. G. (2023). Review. The History of Social Work in Colombia: A critical-dialectical approach. Eleuthera, 25(2), 227–233.


Andrés Giovanny Contreras-Diaza
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Perfil Google Scholar


In 2006, at the initiative of Professor Renán Vega Cantor, Josep Fontana's book was published in Colombia: What is history for in times of crisis? a small but formidable book where a sharp criticism is made to the conceptions of the "end of history", to the intellectual fashions, as well as to the "post" metaphysics in the field of history, where we face a crisis product of fragmented, speculative, linear knowledge, unable to establish the connections of the present with our past to overcome the current social order. Thus, although the argumentation of the Spanish intellectual is directly related to the activity of historians, I believe that the book: The History of Social Work in Colombia - A critical dialectical approach" (2022), is situated in the idea of "thinking historically" the profession to overcome obstacles and appearances, to stimulate mediations between the movement of social reality and Social Work in its evolution, to establish relationships of continuity and rupture, to investigate and problematize with different theoretical perspectives that maintain an evolutionist conception of the profession.

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