DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2022.24.2.15
How to Cite
Sepúlveda Hernández, E., Úcar, X., & Rodríguez Flores, P. (2022). Social intervention in socio-natural disasters (SND): analysis from social work students from Coquimbo and Atacama in Chile and the challenges for disciplinary eco- training. Eleuthera, 24(2), 295–320.


Elia Sepúlveda Hernández
Universidad Santo Tomás
Perfil Google Scholar
Xavier Úcar
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Perfil Google Scholar
Paola Rodríguez Flores
Universidad Santo Tomás
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: To know the social representations of social work students, regarding the socio-natural disasters that occur in their territory and options for intervention/social management that they recognize. Methodology: Quantitative method, case study design. Students from the Atacama and Coquimbo regions in Chile who have faced recent SND such as floods, earthquakes and droughts participated. Results: The findings show the recognition of the anthropic influence on disasters from extractivism, the prevalence of an eco-centric notion of nature and the importance of professional action as a way to reduce risk. Conclusions: Relevance of including in Social Work training, theoretical, methodological and procedural eco-knowledge that problematizes the ethical dimension of the society-territory-nature link. 

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