How to Cite
Hernández sánchez, M. L. ., & Sánchez Agudelo, francy J. . (2008). the affective dimension as a basis for human development. a theorical reflection regarding intervention in social work. Eleuthera, 2(-), 53–72. Retrieved from


Marta Lucía Hernández sánchez
francy Julieth Sánchez Agudelo


Abstract:This article, based on Goleman’s theoretical perspective, provides a foundation for understanding how the family interactions are violated by the difficulties in connective networks, and therefore forcing a review of the emotional dimension of human development. For this purpose, the text analyzes three main arguments: emotional ties, patterns of social interaction and intelligence in the connective dynamics, as the motor of the daily interaction that becomes product-producer of coexistence and of the ways to tackle the conflicts in the various family and individual crises along the life cycle. From an eco-systemic model, the authors suggest contemplating the individual as a system itself and as a key element of the family system in reciprocal feedback. This theoretical reflection is a product from the authors’
experience in their Social Work internship and the progress of the research project from the Autopoiesis research training group entitled: “Patterns of interaction, social intelligence and autonomy. Validation of a strategy aimed at confronting system to facilitate the transition to the university cycle in students of first semester of the Social Work program for the construction of social identity”. 

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