How to Cite
Peláez Franco , Z. R. (2009). Knowledge of bioethics as a care ethics: An imperative in social work professional training. Eleuthera, 3, 106–124. Retrieved from


Zoila Rosa Peláez Franco
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: This article shows the partial results of the research entitled “Bioethics as a care ethics of life and health for human development”, in terms of the most significant contributions of Social Work undergraduate students. The research was developed under the qualitative comprehensive approach, using focal groups, with non-constructed interview, with open questions and debates on topics that arose in the discussion. The sample was made up of Social Work students from different semesters, women between the ages of 17 and 20, a small discourse on the meanings, senses, reflections and purposes of the participants was constructed. The results gather the proposals of actions and interventions that need to be taken from the profession of Social Work, in order to influence the social and cultural transformations that are required to improve the quality of life of the Colombian population, and turn human development into a daily reality, in the formulation and implementation of inclusive public policies, as proposed by bioethics, care ethics and the Political Colombian Constitution of 1991 in their essential values and principles.

The discussion on the results points to reviewing the authors’ approaches, experts in the subjects regarding the categories included in the study, such as bioethics, care ethics, and endogenous human development with an integral vision, to show how the postulates interact in a totalizing and encompassing reading of the multidimensionality and multirelationality that characterizes human beings in their transcending dignity

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