How to Cite
Peralta Duque, B. . (2010). The way in which citizenship is exercised in the colombian democracy –Political socialization and citizen culture–. Eleuthera, 4, 253–290. Retrieved from


Beatriz Peralta Duque


Abstract:The following analysis explains the scope of the way in which citizenship is exercises in the Colombian Democracy. In order to do this, it is important to consider that, in the development of this reflection, the concept of citizenship and some theoretical elements about the relationship between political socialization and political culture and about the political perspective proper to liberal democracy are revised. In the understanding of this theoretical referent and its empirical reality, it is necessary to attentively observe the effects and/or the consequences of the production and reproduction phenomena which, in the advances capitalist societies create what Boaventura de Sousa Santos defines as excesses of regulation of modernity As much as it is intended to search for the improvement of the citizen’s role in the formulation and development of the public politics, the idea of strengthening the social and political inclusion mechanisms in the context of the local public management is suggested, which would favor the development of organizational forms that allow the emergence of a social and political participation model which translates, in a holistic way, the expectations of the new social individuals and the New Social Movements (NSM). In accordance with the principle of active citizenship proposed by Norbert Lechner, the formation of interactive political structures and processes (communicative in the citizen education) would contribute to the establishment of participative democracy. 

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