How to Cite
Escobar Potes, M. del P. ., Franco Peláez, Z. R. ., & Duque Escobar, J. A. . (2010). Comprehensive training in higher education. Meaning for teachers as actor of university life. Eleuthera, 4, 69–89. Retrieved from


María del Pilar Escobar Potes
Zoila Rosa Franco Peláez
Jorge Alberto Duque Escobar


Abstract:This work is a preview of the results of research on well rounded education at Universidad de Caldas from the analysis of the significance that professors give to the object of study. Objective: to investigate what well rounded education represents for Universidad de Caldas professors. The methodology was based on a qualitative approach with focal group technique: the work unit, professors from the University, and the analysis unit, written expressions provided by the participants. Among the findings are the well rounded education actors represented by teachers and pupils, teaching staff and disciples, professors and students among others. The setting: the University, a secondary socialization place as an element for human development in the well rounded education process and the behaviors which express its dynamics. The authors highlight the appointment made by some professors about the principles that support Higher Education which must permeate well rounded education such as: non violation and doing things right which correspond to nonmaleficence and beneficence as the universal bioethical principles where the development process means an increase in learning in the students as human beings concerning the physical, the intellectual and the moral. The meaning expressed by the professors go beyond the educational act producing in the students the desirable effects in their education dealing with it as a continuous ongoing process during its educational  course at the University.

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