How to Cite
Uribe Castro, H. ., & Holguín, C. J. . (2012). About the rainy season: the role of the state facing the cauca river jetty management in Cali, Colombia. Eleuthera, 6(-), 228–245. Retrieved from


Hernando Uribe Castro
Carmen Jimena Holguín


Abstract:Starting in the mid-twentieth century, Santiago de Cali has witnessed a process of expanding its city limits and areas that have been incorporated into the official and illegal urbanization dynamics. The illegal occupations are usually called slums, substandard neighborhoods and, more recently, Incomplete Human Settlement Developments, which are located both in the east region and on the slopes of the mountain chain. Some of these settlements were established in particular places such as on a mirror of water in an artificial lake, on mining areas and on river jetties. The various municipal authorities from Cali have not been able to solve the problem of illegal seizures of land, neither have they achieved an effective control of land use. Every rainiy season in the city, makes the issue of settlements located on high-risk urban areas be exposed to the public and makes the different actors talk about it; but once the rainy season is over, the issue is forgotten.

In this context, it is important to ask about the role of the State facing the management and search of solutions that besides allowing mitigation of the phenomenon, provide structural answers to the complexity of the problem the phenomenon of the Cauca River jetty presents. Nowadadys, after 30 years of being occupied, this process continues: still the population is settled, the local administration bodies and other bodies responsible for the situation act in a very shy way facing the magnitude the phenomenon has reached in recent decades. Communities demand either to be recognized their ownership of these areas or to be evicted by a plan that includes subsidies and relocation in safer areas in the city. To analyze this, the text is divided into three parts: the first part presents the process of occupation of the Cauca River jetty, the second part presents the State’s response over time and the role of its agents, and finally in the third part, some concluding remarks are presented.

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Informes técnicos y oficiales

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Boletines informativos Alcaldía de Cali

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