How to Cite
del Valle, A. ., & Jeremías Boga, D. . (2012). Rationality and irrationality of public action. About the possibilities of rational construction of politics. Eleuthera, 7, 247–263. Retrieved from


Alejandro del Valle
Dante Jeremías Boga


Abstract:This paper analyzes the social and political consequences of the transformations which produced the change from ‘class society’ to ‘risk society’. The underlying hypothesis is that, this new social model appears like the sociological synthesis of an historical time in which modernity, understood in cultural and social terms, loses its central components and opens the discussion about which would have to be the new forms the political systems will have to use to construct legitimacy. From Beck’s(1998) analysis, the main characteristics presented by class societies and the ways of political construction which were possible in them are analyzed. Then the analysis on how the basic matrices of modernity and their same correlation of forces have substantially, changed is presented. Finally, the article develops, from the concept of “rational compensation”, an alternative on how the relation between state, market and society will have to be considered immediately. 

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