How to Cite
García Cuartas, M. Y. . (2012). Domestic violence a problem that requires thinking from the interstitutional viewpoint. Eleuthera, 7, 90–103. Retrieved from


Martha Yaneth García Cuartas


Abstract: The problem of domestic violence refers to a process of setting up a particular relational dynamics between family members, regardless the typology established, which is determined by a system of power and domination that denotes exclusive positions for some and inclusive for others, which are mediated by aspects such as roles, gender, generation. Hence to carry out intervention processes it is required to take into consideration that manifestations of violence respond to individual logics that contain rational senses and meanings proper of the family structure. The study presented below is part of the Police line services. Its goal is to renew the Caldas Police Department intervention in domestic violence cases, from the elaboration and presentation to the Police Department institutional authorities of specific actions as a contribution to the culture of citizenship coexistence. A mixed methodology, was used, quantitative reading, which was referred to a deductive view of the phenomena through which causes, manifestations, and consequences of domestic violence were identified in some municipalities in the department of Caldas. From the social mapping as a strategy for collecting information, it was possible to obtain an interpretative view of the reality from social actors such as residents of municipalities, community leaders, personnel working in institutions like the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, the Spokesperson, the Ombudsman Office Representative, Centers for the attention of domestic violence, police officers according to the specific social-cultural peculiarities from Manizales, Villamaria , Anserma, Chinchiná and La Dorada, regarding the procedures carried out by the police officers in cases of domestic violence. Some of the main conclusions determined that, from the social and the cultural perspective, alcohol and psychoactive substances consumption are the main causes for domestic violence in the Department of Caldas. Others are, unemployment, poverty, lack of men and women education, difficulties between couples and with their children. The EIP Police Strategy for interfamilial coexistence which contemplates  three fundamental core ideas: Education, Intervention and Projection, is recommended. 

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