How to Cite
S. Tapiro, J. P. . (2013). Towards the overcoming of burgeois thought and the post-modern offensive in social work and the social sciences. Eleuthera, 8, 213–231. Retrieved from


Juan Pablo S. Tapiro


Abstract:In this article we will do an approximation to the bourgeois thought in its transition from the revolutionary thought, which inspired and provided theoretical elements for the overcoming of the feudal order, towards a conservative thought of the new capitalist social order, emphasizing the fragmentation of the so-called Social Sciences, the limits of the epistemological debate (“epistemologist”), and how it has appeared in Social Work. Also we will portray the principal features of the so-called postmodern thought, which ends up by serving as ideology of capitalism in the contemporary world, either from the celebration and defense of this society, or from a limited opposition that does not attack the root of this order’s contradictions. This study is based on a perspective in the Marxist tradition which is proposed as an alternative for the analysis and as a theoretical-methodological foundation for the renovation of Social Work and the Social Sciences in Colombia and Latin America in the way of overcoming the bourgeois thought and the postmodern offensive.

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