How to Cite
Guzmán Sanhueza, D. . (2013). Continuity and ruptures in the family conciliation policies –work-gender relationships. A study of transformations between the 70’s and 2000’s generations in the city of Concepcion, Chile. Eleuthera, 8, 175–188. Retrieved from


Daniela Guzmán Sanhueza


The topic of conciliation of the family world and the working world of workers can be seen from two extremes. On one hand, there exists the private world in which family and personal spaces can be found, and on the other hand there exists the public world in which the working space and men and women in their role as workers can be found (Serman, 2002.) These pages present the results of a qualitative research project which deals with the conciliation strategies for men and women from the 70’s and 2000’s generations with family responsibilities within nuclear families conformed by a couple (marriage or partners) and children whose members live together in the city of Concepción, Chile. The way conciliatory strategies are maintained in practice, more than it is believed even though the speech about this has changed, is analyzed.

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