How to Cite
Hernández Pita, I. . (2013). Violence against women. A legal and an institutional response. The cuban case. Eleuthera, 8, 25–32. Retrieved from


Iyamira Hernández Pita
centro de Salud Mental de Playa


Abstract: The institutions are places or instances through wchich society finds answers to the needs or demands of its members. Through them, they exercise their rights and obligations..
But in effect because institutions are permeated by myths that distort the real situation of the ill-treated wife, and because the sexual prejudices established in the patriarchal culture survival do not satisfy the demands of the victims and perpetuate the aggressor impunity. It is on this problem that we would like to promote with the purpose of sensitizing others about the need of reverting these behaviors inside the institutions destined to face this phenomenon and thus being able to offer fairer treatment to women victims of violence, whom because of the violence story they have lived, establish a survival relationship with their partners and become aggressors.

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