How to Cite
López Getial, A. (2013). A hegelian reading of recognition. Conflict and social reality. Alejandra López Getial. Eleuthera, 9, 75–95. Retrieved from


Alejandra López Getial
Universidad de Caldas


In this work I will present in a first part -vertiginously passing through the first moment of the dialectic- the strictly speaking Hegelian conception of recognition; with a clear route in mind, in a second moment I will present –under the enunciation of two phenomena proper form the Colombian conflict- how this life or death fight for recognition which happens between two self-consciences which Hegel affirms is nothing else than a desires, negation and dominance fight, continues to be current. In order to broaden such refection, I will take the contemporary philosopher Charles Taylor’s book Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition (1993) to track a moment in the analysis that Taylor carries out in relation with the different changes these fights for recognition have gone through in history development. The historical moment I am interested in tracking happened in modern society where recognition was found –mainly in hierarchic societies- joined to a honor ideal.

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