DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/eleu.2015.12.9
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Bustamante Sierra, V. L. (2015). Public policy guidelines from the double impact from Act 1448 from 2011 and the survivors of forced displacement. Eleuthera, 12, 162–177.


Vizney Leonardo Bustamante Sierra
Universidad Católica de Manizales


Objective. To identify the double incidence between process and execution of Act 1448 from 2011, known as “Victims’ and land restitution Act”, and people surviving forced displacement in order to propose strategies and formulate public policy lineaments which allow fostering the positive incidence such Act has had in the attention and comprehensive reparation of forced displacement ‘victims’. Methodology. It was determined that the impact, from the survivors to the Act, would be analyzed in terms of participation and influence while the incidence from the Act to the survivors would be analyzed in terms of the impact and efficacy in the field of integrated care. This required going to a group of survivors who are part of the humanitarian programs of the Social Pastoral group in Manizales and simultaneously analyze some specific articles of the Act that favor the participation of ‘victims’ and therefore favor double incidence. Results and conclusions. In the end, five public policy guidelines organized into three categories, which allow increasing efficacy of the Act as far as assistance, attention and comprehensive reparation of forced displacement survivors in the city of Manizales, are proposed.

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