DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/eleu.2015.13.8
How to Cite
Bermúdez Peña, C. (2015). Subjective construction about work made by social work professionals: approaches to a state of the art. Eleuthera, 13, 127–143.


Claudia Bermúdez Peña
Universidad del Valle


Objective. To reflect, from the development of a state of the art, on the subjective construction about work conducted by social work professionals. Methodology. The article is carried out in the framework of an investigation about the intersubjective construction of work by social work professionals. The unit of analysis is the studies on subjectivity of work for these professionals, specifically those studies showing how the reconfiguration of the worlds of work is experienced from professional individuals. Results. Studies conducted in various parts of the world were considered, understanding that work is a matter of global order with multiple effects in particular. Europe, USA, Australia and Latin America were considered mainly. Conclusions. It is interesting to note the apparent abandonment in the analysis of the Marxist perspective in the context of the global North and Australia, and its dominance in Latin America.

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