DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/eleu.2015.13.5
How to Cite
Guerra García, Y. M., Ávila Morales, J. C., & Acuña Barrantes, H. (2015). The search for the perfect race: ideas on procreation, old age and eugenics. Eleuthera, 13, 64–74.


Yolanda M. Guerra García
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Juan Carlos Ávila Morales
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Henry Acuña Barrantes
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada


Objective. This article is derived from the “Ethical dilemmas for decision-making in wartime.” research Project which responds to the guidelines and goals of the research line in ‘Bio-politics’ from the Doctorate program in Bioethics at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, a line of research that aims to find and investigate the ethical dilemmas for decision-making in wartime. Methodology. The methodology was an interpretative historical analysis of the tendency to search for the perfect race which is known as eugenic practices this seeks especially in wartime. Results and conclusions. Decisions taken during the thrid Reich are analyzed. Eugenics, as a tendency to perfect the race even at the cost of eliminating the sick, the elderly, the individuals with mental and physical special needs, is part of the ethical dilemmas of the beginning of life. This article discusses the treatment of the ideas of eugenics in the Third Reich during Adolf Hitler’s time in power.

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