DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/eleu.2016.14.5
How to Cite
Chávez Marín, E., Carballo Angarita, C. L., & Quijano Mejía, C. M. (2016). Reconstruction of the historical memory of the masacre of El Piñal, Simiti, south of Bolivar. Eleuthera, 14, 67–86.


Eliana Chávez Marín
Instituto Universitario de La Paz
Carmen Lisney Carballo Angarita
Instituto Universitario de La Paz
Claudia Milena Quijano Mejía
Universidad Industrial de Santander


Objective.The purpose of this article is to reveal the results of the reconstruction process of the historical memory of the massacre carried out by paramilitary groups in the village El Pinal, Simiti, Southern Bolivar, Colombia, on August 7, 1999. Methodology. It is a qualitative research based on the methodology proposed by the National Center for Historical Memory, which favored the use of workshops about memory and profound interviews. Results. The events prior to the massacre are emphasized referring to the hijacking by the ELN of the Avianca Fokker airplane in the same rural zone and the stories of the victims about what happened before, during and after the massacre, as well as the damages and affectations produced by this fact and the forms of resistance that the community has undertaken in the face of the war. Conclusions. The process of reconstruction of the historical memory contributed in the compensation of the moral damages caused to the community, while it allowed to dignify the memory of the victims.

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