DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/eleu.2016.14.3
How to Cite
Rojas Hernández, H. I., Obando Bastidas, J. A., & Montoya Monsalve, J. N. (2016). Organizational innovation in the rice production of the department of Meta. Eleuthera, 14, 30–44.


Héctor Ismael Rojas Hernández
Universidad de los Llanos
Jorge Alejandro Obando Bastidas
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
Juan Nicolás Montoya Monsalve
Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Objective. To explore the behavior of technical innovation and administrative innovation dimensions included in the organizational variable in the rice companies of the main municipalities of the department of Meta. Methodology. The research was carried out under a quantitative approach of correlational descriptive type. Results. The research explores the behavior of technical innovation and administrative innovation included in the organizational variable, analyzes the behavior of organizational characteristics as a moderating variable of this relationship and the contrast of the impact of innovation on organizational performance. Conclusions. In the context of the analysis of the rice companies of the department of Meta in Colombia, the technical and administrative innovation variables presented singular behaviors that differentiate them and show them with strengths and weaknesses. The results of the correspondence method and Pearson correlation method indicate that there is no correlation between administrative innovation and organizational performance.

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