DOI: 10.17151/10.17151/eleu.2016.15.3
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Rodríguez, M. E. (2016). The social function of teaching mathematics from the mathematics-daily nature-and integral pedagogy. Eleuthera, 15, 34–45.


Milagros Elena Rodríguez
República Bolivariana de Venezuela


Objective. The triad mathematics – daily nature - and comprehensive pedagogy is a construct that promotes the rescue of Mathematics in the classroom. This reflective article addresses the social function of teaching Mathematics at all levels of education from the approaches of the above-mentioned triad and trans-complexity. Methodology. Hermeneutics, through the use of the three learning channels and dialogue as a tool that leads to establishing the subject-subject relationship. Result. From the inquiry, it emerged that the social function of Mathematics teaching focuses on the sociological, political-pedagogical and economic dimensions. Conclusion. The sociological dimension has the need to free the human being from a frustrating mechanism by showing Mathematics in all its complexity; the political-pedagogical dimension rescues a pedagogical imaginary where the student is the protagonist and the anti-ethical problems in the teaching are minimized. The economic dimension expresses in general that there is no possibility for the development of a country without Mathematics.

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