DOI: 10.17151/eleu.2019.20.6
How to Cite
Torres Puentes, E. (2019). Narrative plots of recruitment and participation of children in the colombian armed conflict. Eleuthera, 20, 96–113.


Elizabeth Torres Puentes
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


Objective. This article presents part of the background of a research whose objective was to analyze the narrative plot of the connection and participation of children in Colombian armed groups in different periods. Methodology. It is supported in the narrative analysis, reason why for the collection of the history, academic literature was reviewed emphasizing in the journey through the binding and participation of minors from some stories of children who were recruited in the armed groups from the War of the Thousand Days to the paramilitary groups of the nineties. Results. It is recognized that the phenomenon of child binding is not only a consequence of the conflict but also a consequence of the institutional, social, economic and political abandonment of childhood. Conclusion. Temporal and spatial elements are identified in the stories studied that make up the narrative plot of each one of the wars lived in Colombia.

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