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Serrano Moya, E. D., & Vallejo Aristizábal, V. (2013). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 15(2), 225–258. Retrieved from


Edgar David Serrano Moya
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Valentina Vallejo Aristizábal
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Objective: To evaluate the urban renewal process in the San Jose commune initiated by the City Hall of  Manizales in 2009. The central axis of the work is to reflect on how a public policy, badly implemented,  increases economic and social problems which in theory was meant to solve. Methodology: This is a  descriptive study for which the survey developed in the research work: “The Urban Renewal Plan in the San  José Commune: a critical and interdisciplinary perspective from the field of the Social Sciences” (2012-2013)  was taken as a basis and complemented with interviews and secondary information. Results: It was found  that the renewal affected the quality of life of the inhabitants of the area intervened. The project became a  scene of unfortunate public policy decisions made by a public sector of the political class, which had the  indifference of the public control organs and the citizenship in general. The particular interests concealed in  the idea of the general welfare, generated situations that affected, and affect nearly 25.000  people.  Conclusions: In terms of the social objectives of the project, the anticipated benefits were not generated. On  the contrary, the project affected a significant number of individuals and families. The way how the house  demolition process was done, forced families to leave immediately the area, which affected the social fabric  and destroyed substantial networks in vulnerable communities. Insecurity increased in each of the  neighborhoods and income generation scenarios were affected.

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