How to Cite
Tangarife Puerta, H. F. (2013). -. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 15(2), 101–136. Retrieved from


Hugo Fernando Tangarife Puerta
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


This article is in part a synthesis of the investigation developed as the graduation requirement in the Culture  and Drugs Masters’ Program called “The Yagé Ritual as Performance: a Comparative Analysis Between Two Different Cultural Contexts. The Yagé Ritual in the Colombian Kofán and Kamsá Tribes, Seen From an  Ethnographic and a Contemporary Artistic Perspective (The performance)”, carried out between 2010 and  2012. One of the aims of this article is to highlight the role of the anthropologic investigation tools in the contemporary artistic research. These tools allow a greater approach with the original contexts of human  groups that, because of their cultural particularity, have become an important an esthetic model to be visualized. On the other hand, the work of artists who have included in their artistic process, ethnographic  techniques as an important mechanism for the artistic creation is highlighted. Finally the article is complemented with with the description of the plastic work and some fragments of the field journal, known  within the concepts of art as “artist’s book”, in which creative processes emerging from the original spaces of  ritual are recordedl. 

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