How to Cite
Castaño Alzate, G. E. (2010). Poverty in the social representations of coffee harvesters around themselves and their activity. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 12, 89–125. Retrieved from


Gloria Elsa Castaño Alzate
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


In Colombia, as in most of the poor countries, the development of countryside lifestyle has always been  associated with extreme poverty conditions. Although the major part of the current exploitation of rural  areas occurs from the penetration of industrial and financial capital, those who have traditionally derived  their sustenance from activities in this area either as owners or as suppliers of required labor have been  invariably linked to shortage. The coffee harvesters, who constitute the most important link in the production of grain, do not escape to this relationship; on the contrary, they could be the ones who presently best  embody the condition of rural poverty. This situation appears in the social representations set by collectors  about their being and the occupation they have, as a factor directly responsible for their location in the social  scale and, of course, in the economic scale. Representations of the coffee harvesters around themselves and  around the role they have, account for the ambivalence regarding the consideration of poverty as a  permanent or temporary state. Sometimes it is presented as a defining element of their configuration that, in a constant and inevitable manner they will reproduce from their occupation; some other times, they assume  it as a reality which they will be able to rise and overcome.

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