How to Cite
Castellanos Obregón, J. M. (2014). Memories of transitional family life. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 16(2), 169–185. Retrieved from


Juan Manuel Castellanos Obregón
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


Memory is not a store house of memories or what is gathered in a family album, even less, nowadays when  the supports of family memories, mainly those that live their present and their past in transitional residence  spaces, have been virtualized. So, family memories do not have a physical support and are dispersed on the  web, e-mails and in the youngest Facebook walls at best. The present is facing a sort of absence of essence in memory, and if not, a sort of amnesic deficit. Between families with migratory transnational experiences, the  symbolic link from distance interaction turns into narrative dimension of the binding density in danger. The  family project continuity, the permanence of the promise of reunification, the commitment  before  separation, the debt of the one who lives and the expectations of the one who stays, all this is the significant  –if not the crankshaft- of the narrative construction of families geographically split. The own and peculiar  family carrier, the knot tying and linking its members, changes, distances, intermittences and dynamics of  divergent social and cultural experiences but simultaneous, are the resources that generate memories,  forgiveness and silences of a narrative production that brings together the past and the present with an  ensemble of demands, obligations and feelings moral in tension.

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