How to Cite
García Ruiz, J. . (2012). Sociology of religious institutions growth and decline in globalization. Revista De Antropología Y Sociología : Virajes, 14(2), 157–170. Retrieved from


Jesús García Ruiz
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)


As it happened in other sectors, the end of the Second World War brought expansion processes in the  religious sectors. Several studies were published and one of tha main topics was the analysis of the reasons  why certain religious institutions grew rapidly while others declined. A group of professionals (conformed by  one third religious actors, one third statistics analysis specialists and one third academicians) decided to  carry out an analysis taking into consideration two criteria: was institutional growth and decline determined  by “contextual factors” resulting from the nature and the changes in societies, or by “institutional factors”,  this is to say determined by bureaucratization processes? Even though at the beginning most participants  tended toward assigning the processes to contextual causes, at the end, 28 out of 30 participants favored “institutional factors.” Initially it deals with the defense of the institutions but the long-term analysis  evidenced that in fact the Church decline was due to the lack of adaptation to change.

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